1 Describe things, people and places


This is the first page with writing exercises in English. You should try them all out. As soon as you have written a text hand it in to your teacher, when you get it back correct your mistakes to learn from them and hand in again.

To describe 

Here are some exercises on how to describe. The texts should be about 100-150 words each. You should use present tense when you write. Here is a list of descriptive words you can find more by using a dictionary.

  • Describe things. Start out with watching the video below. Then choose an object. and write a description. Remeber to try to use as many senses as you can (what does it look, sound, feel,taste and smell like).  Don’t forget to use the wordlist above or a dictionary.

(Yes I do know it is very irritating that you can only see half of his head, but what he says actually makes sense.)

  • Describe people.Start out with watching the video below. Then choose a person you know well and write a description of him/her. Try to describe both what they look like and what they are like (both looks and personality).  Don’t forget to use the wordlist above or a dictionary.
  • Describe places. Start out with watching the video below. Then choose a place to describe. Don’t forget to use the wordlist above or a dictionary.